Subject: EZ-DiskCopy PRO v3.30ca for DOS Author: EZXHOU Uploaded By: EZXHOU Date: 5/28/1996 File: EZCPYPRO.ZIP (217704 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 21 Keywords: DISK, DUPLICATE, COPY, 1-PASS, MULTIPLE, SECURE, MASS, Multi-Task, Forms, Automation, Windows 95, Windows 3.1x, EZX EZ-DiskCopy PRO v3.30ca Replaces any earlier versions, if they exist. EZCPYPRO.ZIP (if it exists?) EZX Forms Automation, Ed Marion Keywords: DISK, DUPLICATE, COPY, 1-PASS, MULTIPLE, SECURE, MASS, Multi-Task, Forms, Automation, Windows 95, Windows 3.1x, EZX, Marion EZ-DiskCopy PRO v3.30c Literally turns your PC into a dedicated diskette duplication machine. Includes single read 1-pass copies all DOS formats, "Hands-off" copy start, serialization, bypass BIOS for speed, compressed images, compares, prints ser# labels, Tidydisk watches drive dirt, & more. EZ-DiskCopy PRO - Emulates a dedicated disk duplication machine ... and more! Superior and proprietary error checking/correction and "hands-off" copying make this the disk duplicator for the professional. Simply read you master disk once and make as many copies as you wish. All of the bells and whistles are included: "hands-off" copying, multiple drive sequencing, serialization, disk image storage, label printing, menu or command line operation, TidyDisk, 360K/720K/1.2M/1.44M support, speed, replaces dedicated hardware costing thousands, more ... $129 +s&h (1 machine, non-LAN) See below for multiple, LAN and site pricing. Windows 3+ exclusive foreground task compliant. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: IBM PC & compatibles with 640K RAM (512K free), DOS 3.1+, any monitor, hard drive and extended memory or hard disk space to fit disk size you wish to copy. For Installation instructions, un